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Words You Never Heard!

Mar 29, 2018



Money has been around ever since people began to trade things with one another. At first, it was seashells, stones, or other little trinkets. Eventually, it turned into precious metals such as silver and gold.  Over time those metals were transformed into coins and paper money. China created the first paper money...

Mar 24, 2018


I have been reading the book, The Art of Doing Nothing.To quote the author Véronique Vienne: As a culture of overachievers, we make things happen--and happen fast. If only time would stand still, just a little bit, to let us savor life's simplest moments….” where "being" is more compelling than "doing."  Fjaka...

Mar 20, 2018

Every year in Saudi Arabia, a beauty contest is held for camels.  With over 50 million dollars in prize money, competition is stiff.  Over 30,000 camels participate each year being judged for batty eyelashes, pouty lips and perfectly placed humps.  The camels also compete in an obedience contest.

Recently several camels...

Mar 20, 2018

A golf retreat in Seneca, Oregon, says it will start using goats as caddies on a seven-hole course called McVeigh’s Gauntlet.

Dr. Scott Campbell, owner of the ranch and veterinarian says that goats are very social animals, and having them caddy is going to add a whole lot of fun to the game of golf,”

The goats will...

Mar 16, 2018

Killer Sharks have invaded a golf course in Oz, Australia!

Now golfers have something more to worry about than making a ‘corker of a shot’ as the Aussies call a great golf stroke!  At least half a dozen man-eating bull sharks, between 8 and 10ft long live in the lake in the center of the course where their...